
Olá! Este é o blog oficial de divulgação do documentário que estou fazendo: #HappinessDocumentary e outras divulgações de meu interesse.
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segunda-feira, outubro 31, 2016

Project Happiness Documentary in English

How does it work?


Have you ever wondered what is happiness? I have so many times that I decided to make a documentary, alone, traveling the world to know what people, different societies, with all its peculiarities, think about happiness.

Who conceived?

I, Clara (Clarice). Who am I? Journalist, woman, Brazilian, South of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, but resident in Brasilia, Distrito Federal, graduated in Journalism and Letters (philology or philology), graduate in history, society and citizenship and doctorate in sociology. Fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

What is the project? It is a documentary about happiness, made by me in the greatest possible number of countries, translated into as many languages. The entire documentary will be made from a single question: What is happiness?

Why making this documentary? The question is: why not do? There's nothing like being done in terms of documentary, similar to that planned. In addition, the project was designed by me, you have a lot of me it is a dream of life. So if someone ask me what will I do if it does not work out, I can already answer that there is no such possibility because for me it has worked. The simple fact that I put into practice, to go after my dream, to have courage to start without support from anyone, without sponsorship, alone, overcoming my fears, it's work. I'm not looking for fame, just want to do a job that can contribute positively to the lives of people. Seek "co-authors of the project", partners, volunteers.

How many people go through life wondering or whining for not doing what they really wanted to do. How many people fail to accomplish great things for fear, lack of incentives, accommodation, afraid to leave the comfort zone, afraid to go wrong, fear of disappointing others or yourself? But what is not work? For me, steal, kill, be dishonest, unethical, corruption, selfishness, prejudice, etc. It is not going to work. The rest is valid. At least I was tried.

Did you know that happiness is a human right guaranteed in some Constitutions? Happiness is not a linear and continuous concept. Varies from society to society, can be set individually or collectively. For example, people from countries with higher HDI may be considered happier. There are also studies showing that people from warmer countries, with more sun, are considered happier, less rates of depression. Some studies have even attributed to vitamin D, essential for humans and is produced by sun exposure. Another way to search collective happiness is to analyze a country that is facing an economic crisis or a war, a problem of greater magnitude that affects whole society. Of course the happiness concepts will vary when studied over the face of social problems and after. Brazil, for example, my home country, goes through a series economic crisis. There is a dismal and social insecurity, people fear unemployment, inflation etc. Of course now people are not as happy as they were three years ago. The United States began facing a major economic crisis in 2008, but has now recovered. Of course, today people have a different concept of happiness than they had in 2008 in the US.

This work, although it is a documentary, is at the same time, a large research and never been done before, so broadly.
For a person to be aware of happiness she also needs to know the opposite, the antithesis, unhappiness. Certainly much interesting, expected and unexpected, will surface along the documentary production.

Does a person of a hippie community is happier than a person of a Amysh community? Does a person with health and never faced a serious illness is happier than a person who is hospitalized? Did a free person is happier than a person who is arrested? Does a young man is happier than a senior citizen? Does a race is happier than another? Does gender, sexual orientation, religion, work, money may be crucial to happiness? Are questions like these that I can find and share with people around the world.

Who funds?
 Anyone and everyone. The idea is to use the concept of "crowdfunding" (crowdfunding) where any one individual or corporation can be a sponsor, donating money or material to the preparation of the documentary. Besides the crowdfunding, use the concepts of solidarity economy. The idea, if possible, is not spending nor the clothes that I will use throughout the courses because I find very different climates in a short space of time and I can not be carrying a lot of clothes and footwear. First, as I will be alone and I am small, I have to be with lightweight luggage; second, it's a way to show that you can live with little and always recycling donations and donations. For example, when you are in a cold climate place and make clothes and cool shoes when I go to a warm climate location, I can swap the cool clothes with someone who wants to donate warm weather clothes, or at a thrift store and make the switch, something like that, so "nothing is lost, everything is transformed".

What is crowdfunding? The collective financing (crowdfunding) is to generate capital for the collective interest initiatives by aggregating multiple sources of funding, in general individuals interested in the initiative.

As will be done? During my travels, which will depend on sponsorships and donations, I will interview people asking what is happiness and I will disclose in the social media, the greatest number of languages, Releases, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, website, YouTube, Google+ and other means communication and especially of spontaneous disclosure of people in their social media.

Every place I come, before you start to do interviews, I will introduce myself in the means of local communication such as radios, newspapers, TVs and Embassies, I'll release in the languages ​​I have been translated and whenever a site with a language I do not talk, I will ask that any volunteers translate the release into the local language.

When the country has a great cultural diversity and I need to stay longer, I will change work for stay, food and transportation. I can cook, I can be nanny, housekeeping, waitress, clerk, translator, receptionist, care for animals, a number of things I can exercise for a period in exchange for a place to stay, eat, use the Internet. It can be a house, a trailer, a tent, a boat, a ship.

How everything started? In 2009, less than two years after returning from Europe, I began to think about making a documentary. At first I had thought of making a documentary about gender, about how was gender equality around the world. Then I started thinking about the project, resources and who I call to help me. I called a good friend, also a journalist, and at first she loved the idea and encouraged, but eventually gave up. I started working and the idea was dying. In late 2012 I was diagnosed with malignant cancer and in February 2014 made a major surgery. I spent the whole year 2014 and early 2015 recovering from surgery, making the treatment and working hard. In late 2014 the idea of ​​the documentary started again but with a different theme: happiness. The concept of happiness has changed a lot for me after cancer and health has become one of the main reasons of happiness for me, but people have very different concepts of happiness. Many people confuse happiness with pleasure. Science define happiness in different ways. And thinking in contemporary concepts of happiness is that I decided to make the documentary and realize happiness by cultural, social, gender, race, age, governments.


Happiness is particular to each human being, is a very individual matter. Even if the shared idea among most people is that this concept is built with health, love, money, and other items.
The philosophy that investigates and is dedicated to define and clarify the ideas of man is great to reflect on happiness. And the initial thoughts of philosophy on ethics contained it happiness in ancient Greece.
The earliest reference of philosophy on this subject is the fragment of text Thales of Miletus, who lived between 7 BC and 6 BC Tales To be happy is to have strong body and are, good luck and formed soul.
Socrates had this idea for a new direction, he postulated that there was no relationship of happiness with only satisfaction of desires and bodily needs, but that man is not only body, but in principal, soul. Happiness would be the good of the soul, through just and virtuous conduct.
And since for Kant, happiness is within the pleasure and desire, and there is nothing to do with ethics, then it would not be subject to investigate philosophically. Kant's argument had effect, because this issue disappeared from the works of succeeding schools of philosophy.
But what about the English language at the time of Kant, happiness was highlighted in the political thought and the search for it has become "human right", and this is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States of America, 1787, drafted according to the Enlightenment.
In the 20th century, a new reflection on the subject of English Bertrand Russell with the work The Conquest of Happiness, with method of logical investigation; Bertrand, in short, be happy is to eliminate the self-centeredness.
And in 1989, Julian Marias, Spanish philosopher and dedicated his important book "The Human Happiness" with this theme. The book is studied the history of this concept, from antiquity to the present day; There highlighting the absence of philosophical reflection on the concept of contemporary happiness, which could be a symptom of unhappiness in the world.
The human being is happy when it is the first to realize. The question of discussing happiness through philosophy and reflection is important to make it more clear way of meeting the same, sought by all, and independent of the time and society in which we live.


Practically an idea and a camera in hand. I have no staff, I'll be alone, therefore, for the sake of weight and even security, will take the fewest possible equipment. A great phone, you shoot, record and film with good quality, external hard drives and a lightweight and powerful computer.
Always disclose the social media site to where I'll be going, how I am going, it was a donation of passage, whether it was a ride if invited me. Before arriving in the city, always study a little history of the place and upon arriving, I present to local media and ask the locals some references such as security, tourism, community curiosities etc. and then start the interviews.
I will disclose with videos of myself or small text on Twitter, Facebook, Blog, Instagram, Google+ etc.
The more footage needs to be saved in the cloud and in hard drives to every six months or so, back to Brazil or any country that offer to help, to join the material and organize to help the final editing. The idea is to spend about no less than one year traveling the world. Not much more than that to not get outdated.
People can also send videos spontaneously, no longer than two minutes, answering "What is happiness?".
People interviewed or who submit videos must say the name, age, city, state, country. Sexual orientation, religion, marital status, race is not necessary to be declared.

How to help me making a donation? People from outside Brazil can make a donation to the bank account through Western Union. Bank: BRADESCO, Account: 0168346-2, Agency: 0606-8, Favoured: Clarice Silva dos Santos, Brazil.

“Be the change you want to see in the world”.

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